Small Business Cybersecurity Know-how

Small business cybersecurity is dynamic and one of many issues which small and midsize businesses may encounter today. With more businesses than ever being online or relying on e-commerce to generate revenue, online security is a growing concern. Many small business owners struggle to keep their businesses cyber-safe. From assessing risks to obtaining suitable tools for managing that risk. In this article, we explore small business cybersecurity; the risks, reasons and some protection tips.

Why Are Small Businesses Targeted By Cybersecurity Attacks?

Valuable data: Hackers are aware that small businesses often deal in valuable customer data too, but may not have the cybersecurity protection in place of larger businesses. This data is simple to sell online, via the dark web. Data such as credit card numbers, medical records, bank information, and confidential business information can be targeted by hacking or cybersecurity breaches.

Small Business Cybersecurity - What You Need To Know

Computing power: Sometimes cybercriminals are primarily concerned with enlisting a company’s computers into a bot army to carry out large-scale Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

Gateway to attack larger businesses: Businesses today are connected digitally to carry out transactions, control supply chains, and exchange information. Hackers may target smaller partners as a way to access the systems of major firms. Typically, larger companies are more difficult to breach.

What Are Common Types of Cyber Attacks?

Whatever their target is, hackers typically want to acquire sensitive data belonging to an organization, such as financial information like customer credit card details or identification. With enough information a hacker can use that to their advantage in a variety of harmful ways.

Knowing about the typical types of small business cybersecurity threats, is the first step in protecting or safeguarding your business from such threats. Since small midszie business (SMB) cybersecurity is a dynamic issue, this is not a comprehensive list of potential dangers. But be aware of these common types of cybersecurity attacks;

APT: Often known as an Advanced Persistent Threat, is a continuing targeted attack when a hacker enters a network in stages to avoid being discovered. An attacker tries to avoid exposure once they have gained network access and can establish a foothold there.

Denial-of-Service (DoS): Takes place when servers or a network resource are intentionally flooded or bombarded with requests. This occurs at a scale until the target’s system is unavailable for its intended purposes. And can be brought to a complete stop. Halting trade or functions entirely.

Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS): Is basically a more elaborate version of a DoS cyber-attack. However, flooding occurs from multiple, distributed locations and not a single source. Therefore it is harder to mitigate, because blocking a single source won’t prevent it.

Inside Attack: This is when a person with administrative access, typically from inside the firm, deliberately uses their identification to access sensitive company data.

MITM: A Man-In-The-Middle attack is when two parties trade commodities such as data or digital information. A hacker infiltrates the connection by injecting malware that obstructs information flow in order to steal this crucial data.

Phishing: Possibly the most widely used type of cybercrime, phishing assaults include gathering sensitive data, such as login passwords and card information, using a website that appears authentic but is ultimately a scam and is frequently provided to unwary people in emails.

How To Protect Your Small Business

At a basic level, have a safe Internet usage policy. Inform staff members on best practices for basic Internet usage and password protection. At an owner or manager level, other considerations are;

  • Phishing email detection
  • Responsible Internet usage and using a firewall
  • Preventing downloads of spam or malicious files
  • Consider Dedicated Internet Access (DIA), as opposed to cheaper shared alternatives
  • Authentication and password support (for example, using strong passwords and multi-factor authentication)
  • Safeguarding private vendor and personal customer data
  • Consider encryption or hashing software or solutions to add further data protection
  • Update operating systems, browsers, and antivirus software for system security
  • Enable solutions such as CWPP to monitor and detect threats from workloads operating in the public cloud
  • Using backup applications to automate the copying of files to secure storage. In the event of an attack, you can restore all of your files using your backups.